You can locate and track multiple families at once. Just she invite you on her AthomeEscort app, you can see her location, live video and records on your AthomeCamera app at any time Then you can use the “Athome Camera” app to locate, track and watch your car anytime and anywhere. Install the “Athome Escort” app on a old phone and put it in your car. You will also experience time-lapse recording, timeline, group viewing and many more features.

You can set the AVS device to do human detection, vibration detection, privacy masking, scheduled recording, alarm sounding, upload the alarm videos to the cloud and send alarm GIF notifications to you. A unique Connection ID (also referred to as CID) will be assigned to the device after the AtHome Video Streamer is launched at the first time Step 2: Download and install the viewer app AtHome Camera app onto another. tell us your account for Athome and the CID of streamer via. Step 1: Install AtHome Video Streamer App on your Android device. Download Athome Camera Pro:Monitor and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad. You can remotely control the AVS device to turn on the flash, switch the camera, focus, zoom, etc. Prepare 2 devices (computer or phone) before you get start. Then you can use the "Athome Camera" app to watch and talk with your family anytime, anywhere.

tags: multi-language security-utilities video-surveillance webcam. Install the "Athome Video Streamer(AVS)" application on your old phones or computers and put them at your home. Contacam ContaCam is a Free Video Surveillance software and Live Webcam solution for Windows.